Hiring the Best Oakland County In-Home Lifestyle Family Photographer

You've seen cute family photos on Pinterest in a home and it got you thinking, why wait until summer to book your family photos when you can take them in the comfort of your home? But you may have a few doubts so let me tell you why you should hire an in-home lifestyle family photographer. Most importantly, because family portraits are much more personal if you are surrounded by your home. Sure, a local park is beautiful but generations to come can look back at their great grandparents sitting on mom and dads lap in the home they were raised in.

Now I've convinced you to take the photos, but why should you hire a lifestyle family photographer? What does "lifestyle" even mean? Lifestyle simply means authentic, unposed photos. Hiring a lifestyle photographer means that not only will the photos be taken in the comfort of your home, but you will be holding loving on each other and playing for most of the photos. Lifestyle photos are so personal and intimate. Not only are we capturing your family but they are in the house they will be raised in.

What is the difference between one photographer and the other? You want to hire the best photographer in Michigan so why should you choose Becks Photography?  As an Oakland County family photographer I highly prioritize 3 things: creating fun, capturing intimate moments, and a quick gallery delivery.

Having fun during our photoshoot is my number 1 priority. Let's be honest, the majority of people don't like to have their photos taken, especially sitting still and smiling for the camera. That's why I take a different approach. For the majority of our session together you will be moving and having fun with your family. I come to your home prepare with prompt/activities for you to do together as a family to get you all smiling and laughing at each other. The top compliment I get after family photoshoot is, "wow, that was actually fun!" As funny as it sounds, that's a huge compliment, especially coming from a dad.

What is more intimate that photos in your home? This is the house that you have made a home and I thank you for inviting me into it to capture those precious cuddles, snuggles and kisses. When you're an empty nester, looking back at the years you had with your children at home I hope that you remember the laughs, tickles, giggles but also the quiet moments, rocking your baby on a rocking chair, kisses on the couch. At your in home family photoshoot I will capture the fun and the intimate.

Lastly, I promise to deliver your gallery in a timely manner. I know how it feels to wait in anxious expectation for your photos to arrive. I work my absolute hardest to get your gallery to you within 2 weeks. In the summer or fall in may take me a little longer than 2 weeks but in the winter and spring, I may be able to deliver your photos to you in under 2 weeks.

Being a parent is both fun and rewarding while also being super stressful. The thought of added stress is super unpleasant. That's why I prioritize comfort for my clients. Believe it or not, an in-home family photoshoot takes away some of the stresses of capturing your family photos. When a photographer comes to your home, you don't have to worry about loading up the kids and driving them somewhere far because I come to you. This is especially helpful if you have multiple children. Whether you are located in Rochester Hills, Troy, Sterling Heights, Auburn, Utica, Birmingham, Clawson, Lake Orion, Madison Heights or Royal Oak, I will travel to you.

Taking photos in your home involves less prep than you may think. I do not want you to put a lot of pressure and stress on yourself to make your house look perfect. We can use any part of your house that you'd like but my advice is to choose a room or two and only tidy up those rooms. Most families want to use the living room, master bedroom, or children's room. This is completely up to you but I'll help you make the decision... what room in your house do you find the most joy in? What room have you decorated perfectly to fit your style, and you're happy with being in photos? What room is large enough to comfortably fit your family? Most importantly, what room has the best natural light?

It doesn't matter how large or small your family is, if you have the space for them, I have the patience! I come from a large family myself, 3 siblings and 15 nieces and nephews so large families do not intimate me, in fact, they bring me so much joy! If you have children, I recommend that you prep them for our session. Talk to them about meeting me, tell I am coming to capture your family and prep them to listen well to my instructions. I promise that I will be patient and understanding.

Oftentimes my clients have parents or in-laws who are more than willing to help. Do not hesitate to ask them to come over the day of your session to help you tidy up the room(s) that you choose. Often, a quick vacuum, picking up toys and fluffing pillows is all that it takes to get your home ready for photos. If you don't have anyone to help you tidy up and it's overwhelming for you, please reach out to me I am more than willing to arrive 15 minutes early and help you tidy up.

I know what you're thinking: this all sounds great, but what if my children don't want to take photos? First and foremost, don't stress. Believe it or not, your children can sense stress and have a hard time relaxing if you are not relaxed. I promise to be patient with your family. If you prep you children for our photoshoot, 9 times out of 10 they are excited to be involved in this fun family event. It's so important that you create a fun environment for your children, not a stressful one. We all want them to cooperate but if you do so by yelling at them, or begging them to sit still for a photos, that'll only create tears. My #1 goal during our session together is to create and capture authentic smiles from your children. In my experience, this happens easiest when the parents are also having fun! Please smile, play, love on, and have fun with your children!

A great in home family photographer will leave your home better than when they arrived. Once I clean up and clear out my gear, I help put your house back together. Not only will your home be just as beautiful as when I arrived, but it will be filled with love and joy from all of the cuddles and love you just shared.

Once our session is over I will begin editing your photos. When I'm done editing them I will deliver them to you in an online gallery from which you can download your photos in high resolution and keep them forever. These images will be without a watermark and can be shared and printed whenever and wherever you'd like.

The best thing about an in home family photoshoot is that you are able to share the love, joy, and giggle that I capture of your family with friends and family around the entire globe. Most of us have friends and family spread across the country and sometimes even the globe. Though there are miles and miles between you and your friends and family you can easily share these photos with them. Once you receive your photos, you can simply forward the email to anyone you wish to share the photos with and they too can download and print the images.

I have found that printing photos from your in home family photoshoot is something that is so easy to procrastinate. As a family photographer I want more than anything for you to fill your home with photos from our session. That is why I have made it so easy for you to print your photos. I have an online print lab attached to your album. It's simple and quick for you to choose your favorite photos and have them delivered to your home. It's not easy to get out of the house with a family which is why I have made it so that you don't have to. If you'd like to print your photos somewhere local, I recommend Woodward Camera in Birmingham, Michigan.

I cannot wait to meet you and capture your gorgeous family in your home!

Love, Becks!