How to Create Memorable and Meaningful In-Home Couples Photos

Photo shoots

You've made a great choice by picking Becks Photography for your couples photographer! You have taken a great first step in capturing your love but we still have some things to consider, and I'm about to give you some great tips on what your next steps are!


If you want amazing photos please read this entire article, it will make all of the difference BUT if you only take a small amount of advice from me take this. I don't think I've ever taken a bad photo for someone who had a great attitude their entire session and who followed my style guide. Your attitude and your clothes make a HUGE difference in the outcome of your photos. Trust me, I've been doing this for years!

What To expect

A couples session with me is laid back and relaxed. Please feel free to turn on music and enjoy this time together. I come prepared with many poses for your session and walk you though them by telling and showing you how to do them but, I also want you express who you are. To put you at ease, you should know that your sessions aren't riding on time. If you've book a "full" session I schedule 30 minutes, if you've booked an "extended" session I schedule 60 minutes. These times are generous and I can normally be flexible. Be ready to love on each other and play!

The vibe

First, you need to decide the vibe you are going for. In-home photos can range from simple and romantic to playful and fun. To help you decide, consider your relationship: are you playful, romantic, tender, jokesters? Also-consider what it is that you would like to capture! For example, my husband and I are very playful and always joking with each other but for a professional photoshoot, I'd prefer to capture our loving and romantic side.

What rooms to use

To help you decide what rooms to use you need to consider two things. First and foremost, what room(s) in your home have the most natural light? Though I will bring a flash or two, I love natural light for in-home photos. Next, consider what do you love to do together at home and would you like to incorporate that in your photos? For example, do you love: making and drinking coffee together, making a fun meal like pizza or homemade bread, playing video games, reading together, cuddling up on your favorite chair, playing board games, etc. Now your photos absolutely do not have to be centered around an activity, but it can be fun to capture your authentic selves! If you still don't know what room(s) to use, I'll help you make the decision... what room in your house do you find the most joy in? What room have you decorated perfectly to fit your style, and you're happy with being in photos? What room has great windows?


We need to talk about what to wear to your couples photos, because it is SO important! Believe it or not, the outfits that you choose for your session have a huge impact on the mood and outcome of your photos. HUGE. Choosing which outfits look best isn't easy but it's so important. If your dream is to create memorable and meaningful couples photos, follow these tips.

  • Creams and beiges are timeless and photograph best
  • If you like colors, wear pastels or muted tones
  • Bold, bright, and neon colors do not photograph well, I highly suggest avoiding them
  • Avoid patterns but incorporate textures
  • Dress according the the activity that you choose
  • Remove apple watches, along with everything in your pockets

When it's time to pick out an outfit, please take the time to read my full style guide(<--click the link). I now offer customized style inspiration to help you choose outfits that flatter you, photograph well, and complement who you are! Let’s elevate your look to create photos that reflect who you are while also creating a stunning visual story. If you are interested in this fill out the form that I sent in your welcome email.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to me and I'd be more than happy to help you choose the most magical outfit!


A few hours before I arrive you will need to tidy up your house. Please know that I am not here to judge the state of your home, but, if your 2009 bowling trophy is in the living room, it'll also be in your photos. Your house is unique and expressive of your personality and that's perfect! Just keep in mind that what is out and visible will be documented. Now you don't have to go cleaning every room of the house, tidying up the room or two that you are planning on using will do! Once you have tidied up, please open all of your curtains/blinds and let in that natural light!


I am a lifestyle photographer who loves to capture authentic moments and emotions. Arguably the most important tip I can give you is to be patient, have fun, and have a great attitude. We are here to celebrate your love! I want you to cuddle up together: kiss, smile, hug, whisper your favorite things to each and share this special time together. Forget that you're "posing for the camera," and just take this time to enjoy each others company! When you are looking back at your photos that we took together, do you want negative memories of being rushed or stressed or do you want joyful memories of playing, laughing, and cuddling up close with the one you love most?

  • tidy up a few hours or even the day before I arrive to keep your stress levels down
  • go out on a date or share a bottle of wine before your photos to really connect (check out this list of local date night deals)
  • remember that your session is all about having fun and connecting with each other
  • have an open mind when it come to poses and prompts that I use
  • eat before your photoshoot, we all know that patience runs thin when hungry


Do you have a dog or cat that you want to include? The more the merrier! If that is something you'd like to do, please let me know ahead of time so I can properly prepare myself.


Now it's time for you to fill out your questionnaire! This is where I learn about you two! I prep myself for every couples session that I have, and each time I prepare differently depending on your answers. It's so important that you are descriptive when answering the questions.


If you follow this guide, I can assure you that we are going to create truly memorable and meaningful photos!