How to Take Professional and Personal Outdoor Headshots

Client Experience

So you've booked an outdoor headshot photos with Becks Photography, how exciting! Your headshot can be used to spruce up your business card, website, email, and resume. Future clients and employers are more likely to choose you if they can see your professional and smiling face!


If you want amazing photos please read this entire article, it will make all of the difference BUT if you only take a small amount of advice from me take this. I don't think I've ever taken a bad photo for someone who had a great attitude their entire session and who followed my style guide. Your attitude and your clothes make a HUGE difference in the outcome of your photos. Trust me, I've been doing this for years!


To put you at ease, you should know that your sessions aren't riding on time. I schedule 30 minutes for a headshot session. Most clients do not use the whole session time but it's available if we need it! For your session, we will walk around the location that you choose, taking photos with various poses and backgrounds. Once your session is over, I will upload those images with a watermark from which you can choose 4 with the price of your package. If you'd like to purchase additional images, you can do so for $10 each. Once you have chosen the images that you'd like, then I edit those photos and return them back to you so you can download and print them! It typically takes me about 2 weeks to edit and return you photos, give or take a few days.


We need to talk about what to wear to your headshots. When you book a headshot session with Becks Photography, you may change once for during your session if you'd like. This could mean simply adding or removing a jacket, or changing your whole outfit. Believe it or not, the outfit(s) that you choose have a huge impact on the mood of your photos. You know what they say, dress for the job that you want, not for the job that you have. If you want to create professional and personalized outdoor headshot photos, consistent to the work you see on my website, follow these tips.

  1. Choose a color that is professional and looks good with your skin-tone
  2. A lot of people will choose a very professional outfit, and then change into a more casual outfit or remove their jacket
  3. Remove apple watches along with anything in your pockets

It's so important that you take the time to read my full style guide(<--click the link). I now offer customized style inspiration to help you choose outfits that flatter you, photograph well, and complement who you are! Let’s elevate your look to create photos that reflect who you are while also creating a stunning visual story. If you are interested in this fill out the form that I sent in your welcome email.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to me and I'd be more than happy to help you choose the best outfit!


Second, you need to choose a location. The location you choose largely impacts the mood of your photos. Most people prefer to take headshots in a downtown location while others prefer to be in nature. Downtown Rochester, Birmingham City Hall and Detroit Institute of Arts are the most popular locations for outdoor headshots. If you choose a "nature setting" it's also important that you consider the season that your photos are in. Please take the time to look over my location guide. If you want to choose a "nature setting" please check out my season based location guides...

Please keep in mind that in you choose a nature setting, you will be in nature. There may be bugs, dirt, animals, goose poop, etc. We will also be taking photos standing on grass and gravel, which will make it difficult to walk in heals.

If you're unsure where to go, I would love to help you pick your locations! Whatever your personality is and the type of job you're looking for, together we will find the right location for headshot photos.

Location scouting is a huge part of my job. I have been to all of the locations on my guide multiple times and know all of the perfect spots with the most beautiful lighting! Occasionally I will receive requests to come to a clients yard or a park by their house that they love. Although this location may be beautiful, it may not be the best location for a photo shoot. As a professional photographer, it's important for me to spend time at a location during sunrise and sunset before having a paid session there. Lighting, background, distractions, and the direction of the sun all play a role when choosing the correct location for your session. I want to deliver to you professional headshot photos that you can use forever. With all of that being said, in order for me to be the best photographer that I can be, please choose one of the locations on my guide for your session. I hope that you can understand that I have your best interest in mind, always.

Rochester local like me? Check out my Rochester Michigan location guide for the best spots right in your town!


Arguably the most important tip I can give you is to be comfortable, have fun, and have a great attitude. Maybe you've never had professional portraits taken before so it will be new to you, but that's ok! I'll walk you through every single pose and prompt, showing you what to do before asking you to do it yourself. It's so important that we capture your genuine smile and laugh by having a blast taking these photos! When you are looking back at the headshot photos that we took together, do you want negative memories of being rushed and uncomfortable or do you want joyful memories of enjoying your session and investing in yourself?

  • bring a friend or family member along with you who will help you to laugh and relax
  • give that friend or family member the task of "touch ups," brushing your hair or fixing your collar when needed
  • remember that your session is all about having fun
  • have an open mind when it come to poses and prompts that I use
  • be patient
  • if you are nervous about having your photo taken, consider loosening up by grabbing a drink with a friend before our session (check out this list of local weekly/happy hour deals)


  • Wear something you're confident in and avoid patterns
  • You know your personality and career best, choose clothing that helps you portray your message
  • Have an open mind and have fun


Now it's time for you to fill out your questionnaire! This is where I learn about who you are and what type of photos you'd like to capture! I prep myself for every headshot session that I have, and each time I prepare differently depending on your answers. It's so important that you are descriptive when answering the questions. Help me, help you portray the message that you want your headshot photos to represent.

I cannot wait for our session together! If you follow this guide, I can assure you that we are going to create truly professional and personalized photos!